Anti- Trans Bill in Tenessee NewZ
Tennesse governor Bill Lee has signed another anti- trans law
The law will require businesses and public buildings to warn cisgender customers that they serve trans people like any other customers
After years of slavery , apartheid, ban on being queer if this is what is still happening, the world needs to remodulate their mindset. When britishers were present in India there were signs on building stating dogs and Indians not allowed. This is the same situation over a century later but in the US. United States of America recognizes the LGBTQ + community so laws against them should not be made. What is so wrong about not feeling comfortable in your gender so changing it that the cisgender people need to beware of the trans people. They are not beasts. They are beautiful humans who are fighting everyday against themselves, their society and now the government to simply be treated like normal people. Let them atleast exist without shouting out their names like they are uncivilised animals. It’s the bare minimum a government should do.
Everyone has right to live a respectful life