India writes to HRC in Geneva over IT rules NewZ
Over UN’s statement that the new IT rules are not in line with many International Human Rights, Union writes to Geneve Human Rights Council [HRC] that their concerns are highly misplaced
United Nation’s troubles with new IT Laws by our Central government are not at all misplaced. The new rules do in factbreak many of the internationally protected human rights. In the letter to HRC Indian government claimed that the new rules are a necessary development to strengthen national security. These regulations are alleged to empower social media users and help with identifying cyber abusers more deftly. Along with the weariness of Human Rights councils, the G7 Committee also criticized “ rising authoritarianism, disinformation, and politically motivated Internet shutdowns” by the BJP government. In my last post regarding the new statutes, I explicitly stated that these rules violate customer privacy and give too much power to the Central Government. The misuse of this power will go untraced as the public isn't subjected to such internal matters. Voice needs to be raised against these new laws.
Really how can a noble society tolrate these types of farmaans