114 Killed in Burkina Faso NewZ

 114 killed in Burkina Faso attacks by Islamists near the border with Mali, Niger deadliest since 2015

Jihadist from Al-Qaeda or other Islamist nation sympathisers suspected 

 Hundreds of people have been killed in Niger recently by Islamist groups. Houses have been burnt to ground and the death toll is on an all time high. No one Islamist group has taken the claim yet for the massacres but Al- Qaeda is highly suspected. This is just one of the recent attacks. The article I read didn’t have any information regarding whether international authorities are intervening or not. But from what I gathered the government in Niger has not been able to defend it’s people against these attacks and there’s no sign of the attacks slowing down. Foreign help is needed there and the government needs to up it’s guard.


  1. This type of massacres is normal for them
    The people of that region even don’t have right to live


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