‘Save democracy day’ on 26 June NewZ

 Farmers will observe ‘Save democracy and Save agriculture day’ on 26 June to mark the 46th anniversary of the Emergency 

Said under Modi government emergency has become the new normal 

Farmers will hold protests outside government buildings mainly Rashtrapati Bhawan. I support their cause and protests. The government claim they made the black laws for the benefit of farmers but when the farmers are rejecting them the government is turning a blind eye. This stalemate is not benefitting anyone. Democracy demands that the public is heard and the government be held responsible. The ruling party does not get to impose their decision and tell people whatever rules they make are for their good when that group of people is vehemently against the rule. That is what a dictatorship does and that is what happened in the Emergency 46 years ago. We as citizens of a sovereign and democratic nation can not allow this authoritarian rule to be normalized. 


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