Increase the legal age of marriage for women NewZ

 Raise the marriageable age of women from 18 to 21 

Selfie with Daughter Foundation, an NGO based in Gurugram is demanding the change

This NGO conducts various webinars and meetings every month to discuss gender-related issues. Through these meetings and research, they have deduced that the legal age of marriage for women must be heightened. It will help to reduce the exploitation of women.  18 is the age at which most people finish their schooling. Getting married at 18 should not be legal. Women should be allowed to adult and form opinions of their own without the influence and pressure of husbands and in-laws. If the marriageable age for men is 21 then it should be the same for women. Our society expects women to mature faster and better than men. The pressure of a family at the age of 18  is too much for women as well. Our judicial system should recognize this and make appropriate amendments.

Link of the Foundation:


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